Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Atomic Attack on Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Atomic Attack on Japan - Essay Example After Germany's surrender in May 1945, the U.S. and its allies were able to concentrate their efforts on forcing Japan to surrender. With the fall of the Marianas Islands in July 1944, it had become apparent to military leaders on all sides that the fall of Japan was a foregone conclusion (Long). The increased capability of B29 bombers to strike Japan opened Japan's cities and industry to severe attacks. Coupled with a Naval blockade that crippled Japan's ability to gain the resources to wage war, it was only a question of when the surrender would occur. By June 1945, General Curtis LeMay estimated that U.S. airstrikes would have no Japanese targets left by October 1945 (Long). As early as June 1945, the U.S. had intercepted cables from the Japanese to the Russians seeking aid in an offer to surrender (Lewis). With Japan weakening, the Potsdam Declaration of July 1945 called for Japan's unconditional surrender. The harsh rhetoric of the declaration, aimed at the Japanese, indicated that Emperor Hirohito would be deposed and treated as a war criminal. Due to the Japanese religious belief that the emperor was a God, the Proclamation was unacceptable even to the Japanese peace movement. While Japan attempted to negotiate surrender through Russia, the U.S. held fast demanding the complete dismantling of the Japanese authority. The fate of the emperor, and the unwillingness of the U.S. to have Russia broker the deal, were the main points impeding a calculated surrender. Leading scientists as well as military leaders of this period overwhelmingly opposed using the new dreadful weapon. Most found its use against a civilian population repugnant. Many of them suggested a demonstration to the Japanese of its awesome capabilities in an effort to persuade them into surrender. Most agreed that a demonstration would be less than effective and a waste of a bomb. Truman writes in his private diary of July 25, 1945, that he has ordered the bomb dropped on a purely military target and spare civilians, women, and children (Truman Diary). It was clear by his diary entry that he understood the ramifications of the bomb's destructive capability. Truman had quipped that the Japanese would fight to their last dying man and an invasion would cost a million American lives. These were anecdotal estimates and had no military basis. In fact, in the days before the bomb was dropped, Japan was trying to secure an acceptable surrender that would maintain the Emperor's fate. Yet, in the face of scientific opposition and military skepticism, Truman stuck to the order to drop the bombs and struck Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. A second strike hit Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. When the bomb was dropped, the American public shared Truman's enthusiasm laced with a hint of the gloom that rose over the horizon. The perception is still prevalent today that the bomb prevented an invasion and saved American lives (Hogan, 146).Estimates are that 170,000 Japanese were killed instantly from the bomb and the ensuing radiation (Anhalt). Most were civilians. Still, the Japanese Cabinet refused to surrender due to their belief in the emperor as a God. As

Monday, October 28, 2019

Practices prevent the abuse of school funds Essay Example for Free

Practices prevent the abuse of school funds Essay The education of students and the welfare situation of the staff are paramount issues in addressing school finance. The nature of the education cadre in high schools is an important part of the formal education of the young child who has in between the childhood and adolescent stages of human development. It is therefore important for he head teacher who is saddled with the responsibility of promoting education within the school to commit the available resources to the right channels to achieve the intended results of infrastructure development and provision of facilities to ensure continuity of education in the school. Some of the Infrastructure development- that needs be upheld include library, art and technical studios, computer rooms, music room; environmental sanitation, provision of teaching and learning aids, game centre and kits, award ceremony for staff and students In this age and time, it is needful to realize that education is a social and economic good; this implies that it is an avenue to build viable human capital which would contribute to , national economic wealth and health alongside the effective utilization of material, capital and natural resources within the environment. This economic good also contributes to individual health by establishing an individual as a positive force within the community where he resides. Although education does not preclude evil but its positive impact apparently outweighs its negatives. This issue is important because it informs the decision of the principal of head teacher of the high school about the judicial use of the funds available to him from various sources. What are these sources of funds to the high school? These include the federal allocation to public schools, the state allocation to schools within the jurisdiction. These two forms the socio-political source of funds, while there is the local source from payments by the attending students. Besides, there could also be internally generated funds from projects, programs and economic activities approved for and/or by the school. Realizing the economic good in education and the source of funding of schools are important tools that can contribute to stemming abuse of funds in schools especially high schools. While it is illegal to misuse funds for personal goals, aspirations like acquisition of political power or savings towards retirement, it is necessary for head teachers to realize the role of education in the growth and development of the adolescent child that attend high schools. If they realize the import this can have on the morals and social development of these kids, the propensity to embezzle schools funds would diminish in our schools. One of the practices that prevent abuse of funds includes fiscal accountability. Realizing that for every allocation by the government or payment by the attending students would be accounted for contribute to stopping the abuse of funds. This fiscal accountability is achieved by tracking fund though the means of revenue and expenditure track, monitoring of accounting transactions and auditing. As part of this measure, auditing is an inevitable tool; it includes internal and external audit. While the former uses local staff, the latter adopts using the appropriate institutions within the society which can rarely be influenced the caprices of a local head of high school. In any situation there is inconsistency in the tracking of the funds, which shows that there is need for more scrutiny of such heads. If this auditing can be effectively carried out at all levels of education especially at high schools, it would drastically change the shape of funding and spending within schools by their principals. Another equally important tool is Budgeting: this includes organizing financial transactions, balancing them through stipulated revenue and expenditure plan with a view to meeting staff needs, fund student activities and attain social and local goals. Organizations can incremental, use of school site, outcome-focused or tailored towards program planning. Balancing includes planning revenue and expenditure in such a way as to achieve a balance, deficit or surplus. The aim of budgeting is basically to draw a financial plan to meet specific needs. This gives rooms for identifying challenges and tackling them within the limit of available resources. A comprehensive budget would meet staffing needs which covers recruitment and selection, compensation, and continuous training and retraining on advancements in technological and teaching practices. It would also make provisions for student’s activities and embark of appropriate programs that can meet school and district missions. There would also be allocations for infrastructure development to cover construction works, architectural lay-out and provision of necessary education facilities. Such a budget would encompass all areas that need improvement within the school; when these goals are outlined and there is institutional will to meet them, it would be difficult to abuse funds. Usually available funds may not even be sufficient to meet needs driving fund-raising and capital programs for increased revenue generation. When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. This is the essence of the budget. Realizing the importance of good governance with respect to financial prudence on the morals of staff and students makes a leader a judicious custodian of available financial resources. Fiscal accountability through auditing by internal and external outfits dampens the propensity to divert school funds towards personal goals. Since knowledge does not preclude this evil, strict disciplinary measure meted to offenders who are convicted of this white collar crime is another practice that militates against abuse of school funds. These are measures that prevent misuse of school funds. REFERENCES Safeguarding School Funds by Henry Linn. 4th edition. †¢ Review of Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 5, 399-408 (1933) 1933 American Educational Research Association Chapter VI: School Finance †¢ Does money matter? GT Burtless Policy Studies Journal, 1997 †¢ Pritchett, Lant Filmer, Deon, 1999. What education production functions really show: a positive theory of education expenditures. Economics of education review. Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 223-239, April. †¢ Goldhaber, Dan D. , 1996. Public and private high schools: Is school choice an answer to productivity problem. Economics of education review. Elsevier, vol. 15(2), pages 93-109, April.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

US foreign Policy 1865-1914, expansionist or isolationist Essay

Was the foreign policy of the United States primarily isolationist or expansionist through 1865-1914?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the turn of the century, and after gaining our independence, the United States land mass more than doubled through the use of purchasing, annexing, and war. However, the foreign policy of our government took a predominately isolationist stand. This was a national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries. General Washington shaped these values by upholding and encouraging the use of these principles by warning to avoid alliances in his farewell speech. The reasoning behind these actions was that the Republic was a new nation. We did not have the resources or the means to worry about other countries and foreign affairs; our immediate efforts were internal. Our goals that were of primary importance were setting up a democratic government and jump-starting a nation. The United States foreign policy up to and directly preceding the Civil War was mainly Isolationist. After the war, the government helped bring together a nation t orn apart by war, helped improved our industrialization, and helped further populate our continent. We were isolationist in foreign affairs, while expanding domestically into the west and into the north through the purchase of Alaska. However, around 1890 the expansionism that had taken place was a far cry from what was about to happen. Expansionism is the nations practice or policy ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Island Of The Blue Dolphins :: essays research papers

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell In the Pacific there is an island shaped like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it, blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea elephant and birds abound. A young Indian girl lives and waits for her people to return for her, from the land to the east. Karana with her long black hair and her dark skin, held her own on an island after her people had left for a new place. She was sure they would come back the next spring, but after two springs she learned to live on her own. I really admire her strength and her will power. She faces so many different adventures that you can relate to your life in a different fashion. Living on your own brings in many new ideas and adventures. Karana has many hard decisions to make, when she has to decided to go with childhood teaching or fending for herself. " I wonder what would happen to me if I went against the law of our tribe which forbade the making of weapons by women†¦ would the four winds blow in from the four directions of the world and smother me as I made the weapons? Or would the earth tremble, as many said, and bury me beneath its falling rocks?" The choice to build weapons saves her life and brings her a wonderful friend. "He stood facing me, his front legs spread as if he was ready to spring. The arrow struck him in the chest." This dog had been her enemy he killed her brother and she had vowed revenge on him she had gotten what she wanted, yet she had not killed the dog just wounded him. "Why I did not send the arrow I cannot say. I stood on the rock with the bow pulled back and my hand would not let it go. The big dog lay there and did not move and this may be the reason. If he would have gotten up I would have killed him. I stood there for a long time looking down at him and then I climbed off the rocks and picked him up." This dog became her friend and he salvation. It must have been lonely and she made many friends, otters, she had birds anything to keep her busy. Each spring she hoped that her people would return and take her to the far off land which they had left for.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hanover Jamaica

The Hanover Revolt of 1776 AP-HIST 1050 Dave Cousins November 21, 2012 The Hanover Revolt of 1776 Two documents which discuss the slave revolt in seventeen seventy-six are titled as â€Å"The Jamaican Slave Insurrection† by Richard Sheridan and â€Å"Testing the Chains† by Michael Craton. Both these documents contain these historian’s perspectives about the seventeen seventy-six slave revolt. These documents both have similarities and differences and contribute aspects with the seventeen seventy-six slave revolt. Sheridan’s document is very detailed discussing the life of the maroons from before and after they signed the treaty.Sheridan’s document also discusses the events that occurred before the slave revolt, what caused the slave revolt, American Revolution, and the plot of the slaves. Sheridan’s document goes into depth and presents many details on what he is trying to say. On the other hand, Craton’s document only discusses one ma jor event which was about the plot of the slaves. With no evidential proof on what caused the slave revolt, these historian’s share with us there perspectives and gives us an idea on what some of the answers to our questions might be.Before the slave revolt occurred in seventeen seventy-six, there were many other slave outbursts that occurred in the past. It was stated in Sheridan’s document that after years of getting ambushed and attacked, the whites sued the Maroons for peace. The Maroons and the whites eventually signed the first treaty which occurred on March seventeen thirty-nine. The rebellions began to get very frustrated with the maroons do to the fact that there have been no plans of attack since the treaty was signed. Although, in seventeen sixty, slaves from numerous plantations in the parish of St.Mary fought back. This attack was successful due to the fact that the slaves broke in a fort and acquired arms and gunpowder. This led to the action of the slave s going from plantation to plantation killing the whites and black recruits were increasing. With the understanding of what situations occurred before, during and after the slave revolt in seventeen seventy-six, it is questioned among us on what caused the revolt? Although there is not much evidential proof on exactly what caused it, but there are historian’s point of views such as Sheridan’s.In his document, Sheridan mentions that hard labor and harsh punishment were cited as strong motives by several slaves who were examined by magistrates of Hanover parish (Sheridan, 299). In Sheridan’s document there are an example from both Orlando Patterson and Monica Schuler who confirm that, â€Å"most of the conspiracies and revolts in the period of this study began on estates belonging to absentee proprietors† (Sheridan, 299). Slaves were forced to work harder so that the white men would produce large profits and salaries for themselves. Sheridan states that the se factors were the reason why the slave revolt slowly began.The slaves were eventually getting fed up and tired of the treatment they were receiving from the whites. Most of the slave outbreaks throughout Jamaica within this period began on estates belonging to absentee proprietors (Sheridan, 299). Absenteeism resulted in gross mismanagement of estates by attorneys who forced the slave to work far beyond their strength, to produce large profits for principles, commissions and salaries for themselves (Sheridan, 292). Absenteeism is an example of how slaves were treated shamefully, because of food shortages and huger brought misery and dissatisfaction to these slaves.Thus the harsh punishment and dissatisfaction mainly led the slaves to discomfort, which then led them to created rebellion. It is questioned throughout these documents as to why these slave outbreaks occurred and to what the real motive was behind plots. It is stated in Sheridan’s document that the slaves plan to attack the whites when they were most vulnerable. In this case it was said to be they were most defenseless during a Christmas Holiday. The slaves planned to take advantage of the white’s weakness; in this case they planned to patiently wait until the white men removed their military unit so an attack would be more effective.The plot to raise an attack on the white people was discovered on Monday, July 15th. Both Sheridan and Craton state in their documents that July 15 was indeed the correct date for the discovery of the plot. Although, in the documents the stories that led to the discovery of the plot are both dissimilar. In Craton’s document he states that a domestic slave was found with his master’s pistol. While in Sheridan’s document he gets more into detail with it and explains that a slave boy was discovered to be holding a pistol while filling it with oil and cotton.On the other hand, the after math of this situation is both similar on the docum ents. Stating that forty-eight ringleaders were arrested and imprisoned and that six of the most obviously guilty were executed within the next couple of days. In both documents Sheridan and Craton both mention the same slave. Although Craton spells the slaves name as â€Å"Pontiac† while Sheridan spells the slaves name as â€Å"Pontack†. The significance point about this slave is that in both documents it states that this man was a run away slave who was part of the â€Å"Blue Hole estate†. This led to the actions of getting captured and interrogated.The white men interrogating Pontiac by pressuring him into giving out details about the rebellions. Instead of answering the question, he changed the subject and talked about the maroons and how Billy and Asherry were advising the slaves on what to do and that they were going to support them. This leads to the conclusion that even though there is not evident proof that all the maroons united with the slaves, there is evident proof which is written in both documents that Billy and Asherry did. Maroons were eventually replaced by slave rangers to chase down runaways after this incident.Jamaican’s economy had an extraordinary growth from the Maroon treaties of 1739-40 to the outbreak of the American Revolution in seventeen seventy-five (Sheridan 293). Sheridan states the five parishes which are the Hanover, St. James, Trelawny, St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland. It was very understandable that the slaves out numbered the white men vastly. In seventeen seventy-four St. James had 12,557 slaves while there were only 478 whites. This can also be said in a ratio of 26:1. In the document of Craton it is stated that the ratio in the Hanover from black to whites was 25:1.Similarities do occur in this situation as both documents notify the ratio which is not exact but very similar. With this being said, a major comparison also is identified within the two documents with the relative subject. In Sheri don’s document it is acknowledged that from the years 1763-1775, sugar plantations increased from 429 to 775. While in Craton’s document he states that there were 75 sugar plantations starting at the year of seventeen seventy-fifty. Revered John Lindsay D. D is a man who is mentioned in both Sheridan and Craton’s document.He states linked conspiracy with revolutionary ideology (Sheridan, 300). This is stated by Revered John Lindsay D. D within a letter that he wrote. This letter can be found on page 175 of Craton’s document and on page 300 of Sheridan’s document. This letter by John Lindsay was written to a man named Dr. William Robertson, who was a famous historian. The letter informed William Robertson that while slave insurrections were not uncommon, the conspiracy of seventeen seventy-six was unique in its involvement of both the Creole and house slaves (Sheridan, 300).John Lindsay then discusses in his letter how when the whites are sitting at the table, where there is a waiting man behind every person; the topic of American Rebellion has been disaffected amongst us (Sheridan, 300). Another example which is found in Sheridan’s document is from Stephan Fuller. Stephen suggested that the American Revolution may have been partly responsible for the slave revolt scare of seventeen seventy-six. In other words, after reading both documents it is clear to the readers that different historians discuss events and situations that are similar but yet different at the same time.In this case for example, Sheridan spells the runaway slaves name as â€Å"Pontack† in his document, while Craton spells it as â€Å"Pontiac† in his document. This only proves that there are no evidential proof and true facts on the seventeen seventy-six slave revolt. Analyzing both documents, it is clear that the main question asked and still unknown is â€Å"what caused the slave revolt†. This question was not answered in Cratonà ¢â‚¬â„¢s documents, with the assumption that he did not know what caused it. While Sheridan states in his documents that the main cause for the revolt in eventeen seventy-six was due to the fact the slaves were just fed up and tired of the treatment that they were receiving. Understanding Craton and Sheridan’s point of view in their documents, it is too quick to judge which information is false or which information is the most accurate when reading the detailed events and situations during the revolt. As a historian there is no certainty that what your saying is correct or a fact, but a point of view from gathering information would never hurt or interest one historian after another.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Day In The Death of Joe Egg †Prompted Essay

A Day In The Death of Joe Egg – Prompted Essay Free Online Research Papers A Day In The Death of Joe Egg Prompted Essay How does Peter Nichols play â€Å"A day in the death of Joe Egg† involve its audience in the problems of looking after a handicapped child? A day in the death of Joe Egg is a powerful dramatic novel written upon a husband and wife looking after a special needs child. Throughout the play Peter Nichols the writer uses meaningful devices that emphasises their situation and gives the reader a powerful insight to what its like being in they’re in their shoes. Although the play was written in 1967 it still closely resembles some of the harsh issues that parents face today. Many methods are use to by Peter Nichols to give the play a body; he uses features such as fraudin slip, metaphors, similes but by far the most striking method Peter uses is the suspension of disbelief. This striking method is used to hold the reader in suspense until a certain point believing something that is not actually the truth. The play is very open minded to the reader, at some points in the play it is very hard for the reader to actually understand what is going on. Powerful slow motion images of Joe skipping and being fed are used as if she is a perfectly normal child is used to confuse the reader. Peter Nichols also uses a clever device called a Freudian slip. A Fre udian slip is when the author purposely makes a certain character accidentally make a mistake in speech forcing out a word or sentence that should not have been said. It is used to give the reader or some one else in the play a hint on a certain subject that maybe another character should not know. A good example would be to tell a lie to someone then accidentally say something that would make it easy to understand that you were telling a lie. This is a play that I would highly recommend to anyone of all ages, some people may find this dramatic story disturbing and may become upset to see what Joe has to go through or how she is received from other people. Brian is Joe’s father who plays the part of what some people would say an ignorant grumpy aging man. The play begins with Brian teaching his class at school. Instantly it is easy to pick out Brian’s character. He gives the impression that he is a very strict man that is hard to take serious at times. Brian even calls on of his pupils a ‘flasher’. Sheila is Brian’s wife that respects the fact of the way Joe is but Brian likes to make little jokes out of it that some people may find funny and others may find harsh. I think this is a great idea because this is a play to attract all kinds of readers and here is a good example of Shelia respecting the fact and Brian making a joke about it. Problems that Bri and Sheila face are a big part of this play. It seems as if Bri becomes so stressed at one point that he tries to murder Joe because of stressful situations in looking after her. The couple come up against problems such as, Bri making jokes about everything Bri feeling as if he cannot compete with Sheila’s previous boyfriends Not able to have too much quality time together And finally a controversial that maybe Bri is jealous of all the attention that Joe gets. Over all this is a play that will attract anyone of any age, its interesting, disturbing, and partly funny but most of all the play resembles some of the harsh real life situations. This is guaranteed to keep any reader continuing their journey into a day in the death of Joe Egg. Research Papers on A Day In The Death of Joe Egg - Prompted EssayMind TravelHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayHip-Hop is Art

Monday, October 21, 2019

Things a Successful School Principal Does Differently

Things a Successful School Principal Does Differently Being a principal has its challenges. It is not an easy profession. It is a high-stress job that most people are not equipped to handle. A principal’s job description is broad. They have their hands in virtually everything related to students, teachers, and parents. They are the chief decision-maker in the building. A successful school principal does things differently. As with any other profession, there are those principals who excel at what they do and those who lack the skills necessary to be successful. Most principals are in the middle of that range. The best principals have a particular mindset and a leadership philosophy that allows them to be successful. They utilize a combination of strategies that make themselves and others around them better thus allowing them to be successful. Surround Themselves with Good Teachers Hiring good teachers makes a principal’s job easier in virtually every aspect. Good teachers are solid disciplinarians, they communicate well with parents, and they provide their students with a quality education. Each of these things makes a principal’s job easier. As a principal, you want a building full of teachers that you know are doing their job. You want teachers that are 100% committed to being effective teachers in every aspect. You want teachers who not only do their job well but are willing to go above and beyond the core requirements to ensure that every student is successful. Simply put, surrounding yourself with good teachers makes you look better, makes your job easier, and allows you to manage other aspects of your job. Lead by Example As a principal, you are the leader of the building. Every person in the building is watching how you go about your daily business. Build a reputation for being the hardest worker in your building. You should almost always be the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. It is essential that others know how much you love your job. Keep a smile on your face, maintain a positive attitude, and handle adversity with grit and perseverance. Always maintain professionalism. Be respectful to everyone and embrace differences. Be the model for fundamental qualities such as organization, efficiency, and communication. Think Outside the Box Never put limitations on yourself and your teachers. Be resourceful and find creative ways to meet needs when issues arise. Do not be afraid to think outside the box. Encourage your teachers to do the same. Successful school principals are elite problem solvers. Answers do not always come easy.  You have to utilize the resources creatively you have or figure out ways to get new resources to meet your needs. A terrific problem solver never dismisses another person’s idea or suggestion. Instead, they seek out and value input from others cooperatively creating solutions to problems. Work With People As a principal, you have to learn to work with all different types of people. Each person has their own personality, and you must learn to work effectively with each type. The best principals are able to read people well, figure out what motivates them, and strategically plant seeds that will eventually blossom into success. Principals must work with every stakeholder in the community. They should be skilled listeners who value feedback and use it to make recognizable changes. Principals should be on the front lines, working with the stakeholders to improve both their community and school. Delegate Appropriately Being a principal can be overwhelming. This is often amplified as principals by nature are typically control freaks. They have high expectations on how things should be done making it difficult to let others take the lead role. Successful principals are able to get past this because they realize there is value in delegating. First of all, it shifts the burden of responsibility from you, freeing you up to work on other projects. Next, you can strategically make individuals responsible for projects that you know fit their strengths and will help build their confidence. Finally, delegating reduces your overall workload, which in turn keeps your stress level at a minimum. Create and Enforce Proactive Policies Every principal should be an adept policy writer. Each school is different and has their own unique needs in terms of policy. Policy works best when it is written and enforced in such a way that very few want to take the chance to receive the attached consequences. Most principals will spend a large part of their day dealing with student discipline. Policy should be seen as a deterrent to distractions that interrupt learning. Successful principals are proactive in their approach to policy writing and student discipline. They recognize potential problems and address them before they become a significant issue. Look for Long-Term Solutions to Problems A quick fix is seldom the right solution. Long-term solutions require more time and effort in the beginning. However, they typically save you time in the long run, because you won’t have to deal with it as much in the future. Successful principals think two to three steps ahead. They address the little picture by fixing the large picture. They look beyond the specific circumstance to get to the cause of the problem.  They understand that taking care of the core problem may head off several smaller issues down the road, potentially saving both time and money. Become an Information Hub Principals have to experts in many different areas including content and policy. Successful principals are a wealth of information. They stay up-to-date on the latest educational research, technology, and trends. Principals should at least have a working knowledge of the content being taught in each grade for which they are responsible. They follow educational policy at both the state and locals areas. They keep their teachers informed and are able to offer tips and strategies concerning best classroom practices. Teachers respect principals who understand the content they are teaching. They appreciate when their principal offers well thought out, applicable solutions to problems they may be having in the classroom. Maintain Accessibility As a principal, it is easy to get so busy that you shut your office door to try and get a few things done. This is perfectly acceptable as long as it isn’t done a regular basis. Principals must be accessible to all stakeholders including teachers, staff members, parents, and especially students. Every principal should have an open door policy. Successful principals understand that building and maintaining healthy relationships with everyone you work with is a key component to having an outstanding school. Being in high demand comes with the job. Everyone will come to you when they need something or when there is a problem. Always make yourself available, be a good listener, and most importantly follow through on a solution. Students are the First Priority Successful principals keep students as their number one priority. They never deviate from that path. All expectations and actions are directed to better students both individually and as a whole. Student safety, health, and academic growth are our most fundamental duties. Every decision that is made has to take the impact it will make on a student or group of students into account. We are there to nurture, counsel, discipline, and educate each and every student. As a principal, you must never lose sight of the fact that students should always be our focal point.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Hypochondriasis is a mental illness wherein an individual is preoccupied with the fear of having or the idea of having a serious disease. It involves the misunderstanding of bodily symptoms. The sensations of most hypochondriacs are intense and disturbing, leading to incorrectly connecting the symptoms to a serious disease. It said that hypochondria is caused by a patients excessive worrying with having or developing a disease. Often these patients seek medical attention, but a doctor's reassurance does not help the situation. Hypochondriacs will still think they are sick no matter what the do. Generally, patients who suffer from hypochondriasis also suffer from anxiety. There are many effective treatments for hypochondriacs such as drugs, support groups and therapy. This paper will discuss the diagnosis, cause and effect of the hypochondriasis. Hypochondria is an unsupported belief or anxiety over having a serious disease that is based on personal interpretations of bodily symptoms. The patient usually misinterprets bodily sensations. Anxiety and persistent reports of symptoms involving any body part is a good indicator the patient might suffer from a somatization disease or hypochondriasis. A patient's symptoms might change from each visit, but the person's belief that a serious condition exists does not. The patient's symptom complaints may shift from being very specific to very vague. Sometimes they might think that they have a form of cancer and other times that might just have a stomachache. Hypochondriacs have an extensive medical history. They often seek medical assistance, but a Doctor's reassurance has no merit for the patient. A patient, who is preoccupied with bodily sensations for less than six months, are classified as having a somatic disorder. If the complaints persist, the patient is then lab! There are many causes for a patient to be a hypochondriac. When a hypochondria learns

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fashion Blogging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fashion Blogging - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in this highly competitive globalized world fashion has become an integral part of our lives. Fashion is no more a personal choice for one’s own happiness but knowledge of fashion to some extent has become a requirement in workplaces, universities, social gatherings etc. This increased following and interest in fashion has led to newer ways of searching latest knowledge about ever changing fashion. This has led to the emergence of the phenomenon of fashion blogging. A vague and somewhat loose definition of blogging is the practice of posting information on the website. It is a medium where a strong view point, a differing view or just an attempt to â€Å"be yourself† is employed to engage the audience. Personal blogs are the most common where personal affairs of a person are discussed that are of interest to their friends. However the popular type of blog is the topical blog. In topical blogs a topic of interest is discus sed and hence it has wider audience. Fashion blog is a kind of topical blog. Fashion blog provides the platform for the creation of an ideal self with one’s online identity. Fashion blog provides the intersection of this self created ideal self and the off line consumer. There are different types of communities of practice created from â€Å"top down† i.e. by the fashion industry itself and the â€Å"bottom up† i.e. by the women who are interested in fashion.... Another type of fashion blog is like a fashion magazine that gives a glimpse of the season’s offering at the comfort of your home. While some focuses on finding our own style instead of spending a lot of money trying to keep pace with the ever changing fashion. An example of it is Bargain Queen. Another type of blogs only focuses on some of the fashion items such as shoes, hand bags and other fashion accessories. Generally speaking a shopping blog shows realistically priced things affordable by many as well as some aspirational items which are admired by many but affordable by very few (Leung, 2008). The Rise of Fashion Blogs The role and importance of fashion blogging has increased so much that fashion bloggers are now an integral part of the elitist and the most exclusive of fashion functions which were previously reserved for fashion schools and fashion magazines. Fashion blogs has such profound influence over the people that the British fashion blogger Susanna Lau has beco me a minor celebrity of UK fashion with her blog Style Bubble. Her blog attracts more than 10,000 visitors per day. Same is true for the popularity of other fashion blogs such as BryanBoy, Fashiontoast, SomethingNavy, and TheBlondeSalad. The popularity of these fashion blogs has turned them into an effective marketing tool. This increased importance not only enhanced the number of bloggers on the web but also their role. Now the bloggers are not just satisfied with being invited at fashion parties but they have a professional role to play. Some of the bloggers are now becoming a part of the branded network that is conducted by web Media Company. However their role is different from online magazines because they are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Decision in Paradise Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Decision in Paradise - Research Paper Example In this paper, the factors that affect the implementation of decision in the organization and propose the solution to tackle the situation are taken into consideration. Secondly, the resources and actions required to effectively implement the decision based on the proposed solution are evaluated. Finally, an analysis of the ethical implication on the part of stakeholders is made. Factors Affecting Decision Implementation: While implementing a decision in an organization, there may arise various hindrances which may curtail the organization’s effective functioning and, eventually, its growth. The major factors that affect the decision implementation can be identified as government interference, economic factors, ecological factors, human resources etc. Any decision can be effectively implemented if all these factors are considered while taking the decision. Government plays a major role in the development of an organization. The government, with its power to put restrictions on an organization, can be considered as a factor that may affect the implementation of decisions taken in the organization. ... If the company decides to make changes in its cost or other economic matters, it should first take into account the economical condition of the place. If the economic decisions do not meet the economical condition of the place, then the implementation of the decision will be ineffective. Ecological factors also affect the decision as any organization is influenced by the geographical situation of the place where it is located. If the decision taken is adverse to the ecological condition, then it cannot be effectively implemented and may cause loss for the company. In a place like Kava, which is mainly prone to natural disasters, it is important to consider the natural condition as well as the living condition of the people. The human resources may affect the decision implementation because a decision to reduce pay may invite protest from the workers. Availability of cheap labour may attract the company but those labourers will most probably be unskilled. In Kava, cheap labour is avai lable along with the persisting problem of unskilled labour. So the decision taken should be based on the human resources of the place. There are also other minor factors that may affect the effective implementation of the decisions. Prior to making and implementing a decision, a deep evaluation is required and a SWOT analysis may prove fruitful. The first solution is to study and follow the government rules regarding the setting up of organizations. The second solution is to provide minimal aid to the natives so as to make them economically stable. In order to help the people and to tackle the ecological situations, an evacuation centre might be built so that the people of Kava can get shelter in that centre

Is CSR a myth a study of the sourcing strategies of the UK food Essay

Is CSR a myth a study of the sourcing strategies of the UK food retailers - Essay Example The study suggests that future marketing opportunities is in providing the consumers with products that deliver value and these should contain ethical social values. This is because the UK consumer is still ethically consciousness and is willing to pay the price for it. However, the retailers are quick to charge a premium while also passing on the burden of cost-effective sourcing to the suppliers. The retailers need to understand that to retain loyal customers they would need to take care of the concerns of the consumers. Some retailers have gone to the extent of selling most of the products in the region where it is produced. This enhances customer relationship and is also cost effective as the supply chains are shorter. Moreover chances of contamination increase in larger supply chains. Overall, the UK food retailers discharge their CSR only to a limited extent. They also adhere to the fair-trade norms to the extent that they have to fulfill the government regulations imposed upon them. They need to attend to the concerns of all the stakeholders and have to ensure that their sourcing is cost effective. Volume purchases at the international level fetches them this benefit. However, not all retailers follow this strategy and some have actually integrated CSR into their strategy not because of the benefits that it gives but because they recognize that they must give back something to the society.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparative Econ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparative Econ - Assignment Example The Washington consensus package consisted of ten policies elaborate enough to cover macro and micro economic variables in respect to market and trade. The package included stimulus recommendations relating to tax reforms, fiscal policies, liberalization of trade, deregulation among others (Scott 357). Contrary to what the name suggests, â€Å"Washington Consensus† was not made in Washington. The Washington Consensus package was in fact borrowed from the economic stimulus policies that were being used in Latin America to mitigate the effects of economic crisis. Actually, Williamson resents the fact that the package was named Washington Consensus since it has nothing to do with Washington. The Washington Consensus ideology was very popular in Latin American countries. The events that happened immediately after the World War II disrupted the economic structures of countries in Latin America. This prompted the need for economic reforms that would ensure recovery of the overall economy amidst influential factors of politics. â€Å"Washington Consensus† came to happen because this region needed the back up of Washington in order to succeed (Scott 185). The economic reforms in Chile can greatly be attributed to the Washington consensus albeit indirectly. The â€Å"Chicago Boys† made economic recovery after the fall of military rule and prowess of the same possible. Friedman and Harberger trained these young economists in the department of economics in University of Chicago. The idea was generated by the U.S as it sought to influence reforms of Chilean economy. The Chicago boys brought the same ideas of market-oriented economy common with Washington Consensus to Chile. All these events happened after Pinochet, head military ruler, stepped down. Currently Chile finds pride in their economic and social status in the world, which they owe indirectly to Washington Consensus (Scott 208). The aftermath of WWII left Japan in ruins with no viable political

The Situation of Palestinian Refugees Research Paper

The Situation of Palestinian Refugees - Research Paper Example The state of the Palestinian refugees has been extremely politically charged with no nation ever giving them citizenship and has therefore resulted in a second generation of refugees. As seen below the solution to this fifty-year problem is not a simple one. The history of Palestinian refugees can be traced back to 1948 during the period of the Israel–Arab war. The nation of Israel had been approved by the United Nation through a vote but was strongly voted against by the Arab community. This resulted in the Arab Israeli war which Israel won and thus expelled the majority Arab community that had lived in the area resulting in the original refugees. The Israel government has however never accepted that they expelled any Arabs insisting instead that they voluntarily fled the areas. This discrepancy in the origin story of the refugees is one of the problems that they face as no government has accepted responsibility over their plight (Morris 20). There is however documented proof that Muslims were expelled from the area however they were allowed to take their property as they left. Villagers in areas such as Samara and Nuqeib were pushed to move out of their villages through marginalization by the police and were also encouraged through economic incentives to move to Syria (Morris 513). The United Nation Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) began to focus on the plight of the Palestine refugees from 1950 estimating the refugees to be seven hundred thousand when they were expelled from Israel. Their attempts in the beginning were towards a possible reintegration of the refugees in other parts of the Arab world including Lebanon and Egypt. This however failed as the governments and the locals did not support the move. UNRWA thus focused on improving the living standards of refugees in Palestine and offered basic education and sanitation services. The UN was the only body that did put effort in improving the refugee situation with middle eastern nations stating tha t the refugees should go back to reintegrate with modern Israel (Milagny 80). The nation of Egypt was a prosperous nation in the 1940s – 1950s the nation had opened the Suez Canal and benefitted from the cotton trade to become one of the more prosperous nations in Africa. The wealthy Palestinians who arrived first were able to get themselves good housing in the more serene areas of Egypt through both legal and illegal means but the poor Palestines had to contend with living in the camps. Egypt was itself struggling with its overpopulation problem and so decided it would be better if a portion of the population would remain in Gaza which Egypt controlled and with themselves financing its upkeep (Oroub 40). The Egyptian government did not however respond positively to the new immigrants and enacted policies that prevented them from getting jobs and also prevented them from working altogether. The prevention from sources of income meant that even the wealthy Palestinians were so on unable to have a source of income and lost whatever savings they had. Egypt ensured that the Gaza strip was constantly under strict military rule while Jordan did the same with West Bank where it assisted with security. It wasn’t until in 1967 when Israel took control of the Gaza strip that the situation in it improved considerably (Oroub 41). These policies led to increased crime committed in Egypt by Palestinians for economic reasons and just as many were jailed for these atrocities. The hostility shown by the Syrian government towards the refugees and the hostility that the Arab world has shown to the Jewish

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparative Econ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparative Econ - Assignment Example The Washington consensus package consisted of ten policies elaborate enough to cover macro and micro economic variables in respect to market and trade. The package included stimulus recommendations relating to tax reforms, fiscal policies, liberalization of trade, deregulation among others (Scott 357). Contrary to what the name suggests, â€Å"Washington Consensus† was not made in Washington. The Washington Consensus package was in fact borrowed from the economic stimulus policies that were being used in Latin America to mitigate the effects of economic crisis. Actually, Williamson resents the fact that the package was named Washington Consensus since it has nothing to do with Washington. The Washington Consensus ideology was very popular in Latin American countries. The events that happened immediately after the World War II disrupted the economic structures of countries in Latin America. This prompted the need for economic reforms that would ensure recovery of the overall economy amidst influential factors of politics. â€Å"Washington Consensus† came to happen because this region needed the back up of Washington in order to succeed (Scott 185). The economic reforms in Chile can greatly be attributed to the Washington consensus albeit indirectly. The â€Å"Chicago Boys† made economic recovery after the fall of military rule and prowess of the same possible. Friedman and Harberger trained these young economists in the department of economics in University of Chicago. The idea was generated by the U.S as it sought to influence reforms of Chilean economy. The Chicago boys brought the same ideas of market-oriented economy common with Washington Consensus to Chile. All these events happened after Pinochet, head military ruler, stepped down. Currently Chile finds pride in their economic and social status in the world, which they owe indirectly to Washington Consensus (Scott 208). The aftermath of WWII left Japan in ruins with no viable political

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Estimating Demand and Forecasting Sales and Sales Force Simulation Essay

Estimating Demand and Forecasting Sales and Sales Force Simulation Summary - Essay Example Sales forecasting is also very valuable when a company is embarking in new ventures such as expansion plans. Sales forecasting is not exact science and many business experts consider it an art. Forecasting methods include both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Jury of executive opinion is a popular forecasting technique. The technique is based on the Delphi method (Estimating Demand and Forecasting Sales and Sales Force Simulation). This technique uses the knowledge of experts in a systematic manner. The experts create a panel in which open discussion and questionnaires are used to find a solution. Biased and tension among the group of experts opinions is eliminated by creating confidentiality through anonymity. In a study realized by Mentzer & Kahn on forecasting techniques they found that after been exposed to long period of times managers preferred the jury of executive opinion forecasting technique over other methods. As a general rule a company should apply the same forecasting technique when realizing an analysis with different data. The advantange is that the anaysis has a strong comparison base due to consistancy across the board. In the case of a sales forecast for entering new markets the general rule does not apply. When a company is the process of gathering data of different markets a lot different paraments enter into the equation. It might not be possible to gather the same type of data from the different markets. Also different behavioral tendencies of a market make alternative sales forecasting methods more suituble for particual situations. In the sales management simulation studied the company analyzing two different potential markets to introduce a beer product found that the two countries had different cultures and consumer tendencies. Different sales forecasting methods were utilized to create a sales forecast for each country. When a company determines its sales forecasting it must also determine the

PE lessons a week Essay Example for Free

PE lessons a week Essay Along with the need explained above Lucy will need other needs as she is a child. Lucy is growing and developing her Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and social needs all the time. Due to this Lucy will need health care needs as she will need Jabs from the doctors as she will need to be protected against diseases and illnesses. The school achieve this need of Lucys the school have school nurses which give the jabs to the children. Also they help her stay healthy as they make sure they are healthy in the lunches they provide and have a balanced diet, do regular exercise and have a good hygiene. They also provide warmth for the children. They make sure that she is healthy and has a balanced diet they have school dinners which are healthy. They also provide health school dinners because a child needs to have food as it will help her brain to function well and learn properly. They provide these children with fruits at break time and healthy sandwiches and soups and rice and curry for lunchtime. It is important that Lucy gets some food like vegetables and fruits. They make sure that they have regular exercise the children have one or two PE lessons a week so they will be exercising at school even if they dont exercise at home. They also help them to keep fit because they have two playtimes and one lunchtime a day. During these times the children will be running around the playground and playing with toys and skipping ropes so they will be exercising their muscles. They provide good hygiene as they provide the use of clean toilets for the children to access. They also provide cleans clothes for the children when they urinate themselves or other accidents occur. These services helps Lucy physically as she will be active all the time and will be normal size and not overweight or obese. These services also help Lucy to build her stamina, suppleness and her strength so she is fitter than usual. It will help her intellectually as she is provided with education and experiences on new things everyday. It also helps her intellectually as she will be learning new skills and the main thing a new language which is the most important thing in her life. It will help Lucy emotionally as she will feel better about herself as she knows that people are there for her whenever she needs it. It will make her socially as she will have friends. The subject that Lucy learns at school that helps her with her intellectual needs are: * Mathematics: the teacher teaches mathematics to the students and to the students as she uses blocks and large numbers to help them understand with what they are learning for learners who are visual. She also writes the solutions on the board so they can also see it and check their answers with the ones on the board. * Science: they are taught science through little object which represent the topics that they are studying. They also get A3 sheets of paper which have some objects and word on them and the pupils have to match them. The teacher also uses worksheets and performs activities with them to help them understand in depth. * Literacy: they are taught literacy as the teacher reads to the children and then they are asked to answer questions on the story that the teacher has read out to them to see how much of the story they have understood. * Art: the teacher teaches them art mainly through making them draw pictures and paint them. The teacher also give the children printed versions of picture and make them colour inside the lines to make sure that they are neat. The developmental needs that Lucy will have are new experiences, education and books. The placement meets Lucys need about new experiences as they provide Lucy with different types of environment throughout the school year. They also take the children to trips where they learn about different places and their related topics. They provide education as Lucy is taught everyday in school and also sets reading tasks for Lucy to carry out at home with her parents. The provide books for the children as they provide free reading books for the children and free exercise books for the children to write on. They also provide free pens, pencils, and other equipment to do with art.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role Of Women In Pride And Prejudice English Literature Essay

Role Of Women In Pride And Prejudice English Literature Essay This phrase probably remains many topics related to the English society that the novel Pride and Prejudice represented: The approval of the society, seek of wealth and well-being more than love, and the role of women. As the quotation says, all men in possession of a good fortune seek for a wife, for the reason that he wants the approval of the society, everything was about appearances. In the other hand, women did not have any options at that time, and the maxim goal or dream that they expected for their lives was to get married, if it is possible with a wealthy man in order to have a comfortable life. Marriage was a market, it was based principally in economical arrangements; where unfortunately, a woman did not have chance to decide for herself. Pride and Prejudice is based specifically in the early 19th century under the Victorian Age. Even when a female representative was ruling the country, women did not have many options for their lives, they were seen as ideal, pure and saintsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and as saints they had no legal rights. During this essay, role of 19th century women will be developed, but first of all I would to mention a bit of Jane Austen, who is the author of this fantastic and romantic novel. Secondly, life of English society in the 19th century will be discussed, talking about marriage and courtship. Thirdly, women role at that century will be developed, relating those with the different characters that we noticed in the book. Jane Austen was an English novelist who lived among 1775 and 1817. It is possible to find Austens works since they are very famous and important for English literature. Her novels still remain in our century, thanks to the adaptation of several novels into movies, which is the case of Pride and Prejudice. That fact allows us, to new readers of her work, to feel closer to that time and century and to know how people used to live and confront life. We have to keep in mind that Jane Austen despite of all the historical events that England was going through, for example Napoleonic Wars, she inspired her work on women and her living conditions. Principally, that was all she knew about: how difficult was to be a woman, all the pressures, injustices and prejudices that women faced. Pride and Prejudice was a novel about how love can go through many awkward, hard and difficult situations and still can win after all, which is reflected in the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Jane Austen made people believe that despite of many rules and prejudices of society there is always something that moves the world; there is always something inside of any human which is pure feelings such as love. Love is like an illusion and it completes the happiness of every human being. However, in this novel it is likely possible to see all the dark side of this male- centered society. I said likely, because this story is covered with romantic scenes and love illusions, facts that every girl would like, for example in the following quotes, where Mr. Darcy appears like a gentleman that every girl, after all, would be in love with: In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.- Darcy to Elizabeth. (Jane Austen 1813:236) You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever. Darcy to Elizabeth (Jane Austen 1813:451) Nevertheless, this story was under a male-centered society, where men were the biggest favored here: they could choose and take the decisions they wanted, they could earn money and have privileges if their wives were wealthy, they could study and make business and keep being successful. This type of thinking (male centered) kept happening even when a queen was in charge of the country. Anyways it is not many time ago that this situation started to change thanks to the bravery of women that wanted a change, but that is definitely another topic. According to the society in the 19th century, ruled by Queen Victoria, was a society where appearances and social class were really essential. Money had the real power there: to classify people thanks to appalling social conditions. As it is possible to notice in the book and in the movie as well, it was everything about impressing the social order with the well being and money you had, in order to form a family and to be considered for the society as somebody important, to gain respect and honor as well. Regarding women, they were seeing as ideal for the most part of society: her bodies were pure and they were labeled as saints, cleanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦her role was to raise children, to tend the house and they did not have legal rights, for example: women could not vote and could not own a property. Talking about marriage, it can be said that it was more an economical arrangement than an institution where love was the principal issue. For many women, to get married it was the salvation to have a comfortable life thanks to the well being that a husband can provide. Pride and prejudice reflected this situation in Charlotte Lucas case: Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life. Charlotte Lucas. (Jane Austen 1813:27) As Charlotte said, marriage was a matter of chance, to have a better life, since a woman for itself could not own anything. Love was not important as long as you live well and with the acceptance of society. That is why Mrs. Bennet wanted her girls to get married so soon, since the business of her life was to see all her daughters marriedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for what? For maintain her, as well. Nevertheless, all the possessions of a woman passed to her husband at the moment to get married. To be more specific, to be a woman was very difficult; you expected to be perfect and pretty and all that stuff but it was a situation where you can feel a prisonerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ a society prisoner. Furthermore, a woman depended, of course, of her husband and consequently, she has to obey him. It was a life little better than slavery, to say it in some way. When a woman was married and her husband was wealthy, she had to organize parties to meet new people in order to bring prestige to her husband and her family as well. Those social parties were the opportunity to establish new economical relationships. Another point about women and marriage, it was that they must have certain knowledge in different areas to help and educate children. In addition women in Victorian Era were seen like this: Sweetness is to woman what sugar is to fruit. It is her first business to be happy a sunbeam in the house, making others happy. True, she will often have a tear in her eye, but, like the bride of young Lochinvar, it must be accompanied with a smile on her lips. (Victorias past) As it is possible to notice in the quotation, women seem to be happy and perfect, but what was happening inside it might be really different, regarding to the phrase she will often have a tear in her eye. Women were really suffering, but in that harsh society nobody could ever hear them. A woman was expected to be perfect, but what about her life, her decisions, her thinking and her feelings? Nevertheless, not everything was so bad for women; this era leaded some space to romanticism in term of courtships. Pride and Prejudice reflect that in its plot, a love story of a wealthy man and a poor woman. People in England are recognized as polite, so courtship was followed by codes. Love always was under moral codes, specific ways to treat people, rules of etiquette and so on. As I said rules of etiquette were very strict, and sometimes it seem like people attitudes were not real, due to the fact that there were so many rulesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ you do not even know if they are serious or they are playing courtship. Consequently, a woman here plays the role of being so perfect and pure, just like jewelry, even more those women belonging to upper classes, but as I have explained beforeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ these terms are possible to notice in the book, and all that code and etiquette issue. According to Victorian Past: Queen Victoria and her family were role models in Victorian society. Subsequently, the perfect marriage became the socially acceptable goal of courtship. (Victorias Past). Talking about female characters of the novel and their relation with the role of woman in the society of 19th century, there is a lot that can be said. Regarding Elizabeth Bennet, she was the main character of Pride and Prejudice, being in my opinion, the bravest one. She did not mind what to say in order to express herselfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ no matter what. She and her sisters were under the pressure of her mother in terms on seeking a husband. Elizabeth understood all the stress and difficulty of her family if she did not find a husbandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but despite of all the facts, she disagreed to go against her feelings, she wanted to be happy after all. When Elizabeth did not want to get married with Mr. Collins, her mother was so angry and disappointed of her, due to the fact that being single was a totally social disapproval. If a man was single, it was not seeing so badly as a woman single. At least a man could raise a business and find a wife so easily, but a single woman did not have options. Elizabeth was not very worried about it, but her mother was. Consequently, Charlotte Lucas who was Elizabeths best friend was worried about being single. As I mentioned before, she saw marriage as an opportunity and she was conscious about the little options she had at her age. She was not in love with Mr. Collins, but she knew that in some way love may come afterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ as long as she has a comfortable life and to feel accepted by the harsh society as well. She was very poor, and keeping with the idea, she did not have many options. Sometimes, you can feel that in these novels there is all about love, well in some way it could be, but not all the time. Love in this era was a secondary termà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ since the society and the approval and appearances and having a respectable well being was the essential issue. Women could stay single, but only those who were very wealthy. Lady Catherine was not single, but she was alone. Her husband died leaving her with a daughter. In the case if Lady Catherine was a poor woman, all her possessions would have been under a man hands. She was very powerful and wealthy; that fact allowed her to be totally independent. That was acceptable, for the society due to the fact of her social position. Everybody was worried about pleasing her; just take an example the behavior of Mr. Collins. By the way, we do not have to forget that Lady Catherine was also arranging a marriage between her daughter and Mr. Darcy. In that case marriage was not about loveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it was just an economical relationship, just an arrangement. Nevertheless Lady Catherine, when she knew about Elizabeth and her relationship with which she wanted her daughter to get married Mr. Darcy, she was so angry, because Lady Catherine had the knowledge of the economical situation of Bennet famil yà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ she thought that Elizabeth was interested just in money and to save her life economically, just to say it in some way. Do not forget that Lady Catherine belonged to the upper class, where social standing and appearance was truly important. If we talk about appearances it is essential then to mention Mrs. Bennet and Miss Bingley. Unfortunately, the role of many women was to be accepted by the society no matter how. In the case of Mrs. Bennet, she was always faking being in some ways educated and intelligent. She was very sillyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ she always used to say to her daughters to act naturally, but that was all a false; it was just to impress Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Mrs. Benner had the need to show herself and her family as a probable and a noble choice for wealthy men in order to arrange marriages. According to Miss Bingley, she was very snobby; always worried about her image, her social standing and her prestige. She did not like the idea to be linked with people from middle class. This attitude toward life, and the fact of impressing was really superficial, she was not real at all if we compared her with Elizabeth Bennet, at least Lizzy was real. This behavior in women in 19th century was very common. Situatio ns were demanding a lot of rules codes and etiquette, fake and superficiality. Another topic which was very vital was the honor to the family. The family, despite of all the false that a marriage would be was very important. It was the base of the society at that time. It was not accepted at all, for example, that a single woman escapes with a man without being married. That was the case of the younger daughter of Bennets family: Lydia Bennet. She committed a mistake that was very horrifying for her family, she run off with Wickham. Since, the English civilization was all male-centered, men could do anything they wanted, they could have many affairs or being free, just as simple as that. However, if a young girl acted like Lydia did, that fact would bring many bad consequences to her family. Bennets family would have loss the prestige at all if people would know that one of the daughters escape with a man. Nowadays, that situation would not matter, because peoples minds have changed, but in that eraà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ people in general were all close minded. Regarding Jane Bennet, what can be said, is that she was the ideal woman. She was respectful, discrete, beautiful and she had grace. Even though Jane belonged to a middle class family, she never made a mistake that put into risk her familys prestige. She was in love with Mr. Bingley, a marriage which was seen for most of the people as something economical, but they really were in love. Janes attitude towards life represented the romanticism that women lived in that era, even more if they were into a courtship. Even though, Jane as well as Elizabeth knew about the real intentions of her silly and snobby mother, Jane was real. She was in love at least, and she was very lucky to be engaged and to be married later with a wealthy man: Mr. Bingley. Mrs. Bennet was so pleased when she knew about this, because in some way she and her family were safe. In conclusion, Pride and Prejudice reflected the English society during Victorian ages. Money used to rule the world, in terms of shaping and labeling people into social classes. Appearances were really essential at the moment to establish different kinds of relationships. As a male-centered society, women were the basis of the family, but they did not have voice or vote. Her options were pretty limited by the rules code imposed by the people. Role of women were really different as we can notice actually. They were pure but with no rights. Life seemed to be really unfair for them and that was what Jane Austen wanted us to think about. Even when Pride and Prejudice was a novel about love and how it can go through many barriers, women had a very poor role. During the novel and the story reveled, we can see several type of women: single women, married, powerful and poor. All of them had something in common: how difficult was for them to face life in general. Sometimes society and codes restricted them to be real and to fight for a fair life. Jane Austen in some way also showed how false is people in several situations: when they tried to impress and to be accepted by the harsh English society, in order to have a comfortable and happy life. This novel make us think about women situation in nowadays, things have changed and show us that during time there were noble and brave women that wanted a change, and that women after all are strongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ they are the basis of the family and the basis of the society. However, nobody said that being a woman was a easy task but it is admirable how they face life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Asian Religions in the USA :: essays research papers

Asian Religions in the USA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this essay I will discuss the many aspects and ideals of Asian Religions along with their impact and the role they play within the United States. I had a few questions that I had to try and find answers for, in order to complete the connection of Asian Religions to the United States. Why are some Americans and westerners finding Asian Religions as well as Asian thought and philosophy to be more gratifying than traditional western religions and philosophy? How are Asian Religions perceived and practiced here in the United States as opposed to its place of origination? Finally, is there further growth of the Asian Religions as well as philosophy still possible here in the United States and the west? All of the answers to these questions will try and explain the place Asian Religions have here in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why are some Americans finding Asian religions as well as Asian thought and philosophy to be more satisfying than traditional western religions and philosophy? One thing I might point my finger at is the expansion of religious studies within the United States. As we discussed in class, just within the past ten years the idea of religious studies (including more than just the majority religions) is just now being accepted and explored. As we have become more familiar with the many different religions that are in this world, the more we will pursue and possibly practice those religions. As the west is becoming more educated to all the different religious possibilities, I feel many people are becoming more accepting of a person who searches out these different possibilities. Technology is also a factor in the education of Asian religions. The technology we have today allows people to really explore the entire world from the tips of their fingers. Being knowledgeable that something different does exist will open your mind to different avenues. You may find a western traditional religion to be right for you, but if you are educated in many of the options you might accept the idea someone else finds your western tradition not comfortable for them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I find many Americans searching for a higher spirituality than traditional western religions, and they can find what they are searching for in Asian religions. Alan Watts was the type of a person who refused western religions and their thinking and in his search he formed â€Å"his own hybrid spirituality a between Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism, with a certain leaning towards Vedanta and Catholicism, or rather the Orthodox Church of Eastern Europe.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Drug War Failures and Drug Company Successes Essays -- Argumentative P

In the May 1999 issue of Harper's Magazine, Joshua Wolf Shenk's article "America's Altered States: When does legal relief of pain become illegal pursuit of pleasure?" states: From 1970 to 1998, the inflation-adjusted revenue of major pharmaceutical companies more than quadrupled to $81 billion, 24 percent of that from drugs affecting the central nervous system and sense organs. Sales of herbal medicines now exceed $4 billion a year. Meanwhile the war on Other drugs escalated dramatically. Since 1970 the federal antidrug budget has risen 3,700 percent and now exceeds $17 billion. More than one and half million people are arrested on drug charges each year, and 400,000 are now in prison. These numbers are just a window into an obvious truth: We take more drugs and reward those who supply them. We punish more people for taking drugs and especially punish those who supply them. On the surface, there is no conflict...The drug wars and the drug boom are interrelated, of the same body. The hostility and veneration, the punishment and profits, these come from the same beliefs and the same mistakes. The pharmaceutical industry is booming; the war on drugs is escalating. Are these statistics unconnected or do they reveal a deeper insight into our society? What factors influence our moral perception of drugs? What separates the good drugs from bad ones? In Shenk's words, "When does the legal relief of pain become illegal pursuit of pleasure?" To answer these surprisingly difficult questions, we must examine drugs themselves-the origins of their legality and the reasons given for their moral status. This examination will reveal some misguided explanations to the questions above-explanations that have obscured a more urgent problem in ... ...cide for people fifteen to twenty-four to triple since 1960 (undoubtedly this rise in depression has fed the need for more legal and illegal drugs)? Maybe it is the discontent and frustration that is behind the recent school massacres that continue to happen (psychiatrists with their arsenal of drugs flock to these scenes ready to help the victims)? These are questions we must ask, and in this new line of inquiry we must not forget Shenk's insightful words: But we often don't realize that the feeling is inside, perhaps something that, with effort, could be experienced without the drugs or perhaps, as in the psychiatric equivalent of diabetes, something we will always need help with. Yet all too often we project upon the drug a power that resides elsewhere. Many believe this to be a failure of character. If so, it is a failure the whole culture is implicated in.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mr. Know All Summary

Ex. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- 1. I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were  had been 2. If I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. am  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4. Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? will press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have . If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8 . I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock. Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  wouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't brought Ex. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- 1. I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were  had been 2. If I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. m  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4. Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? will press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have 7. If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8. I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock.Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  wouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't brought Ex. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- 1. I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were  had been 2. If I  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. am  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4. Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? ill press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have 7. If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8. I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock. Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  wouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't brought Ex. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- . I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were  had been 2. If I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. am  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4. Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? will press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have 7. If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8.I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock. Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  wouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't brought Ex. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- 1. I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were  had been 2. If I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. am  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4.Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? will press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have 7. If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8. I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock. Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  wouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't broughtEx. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- 1. I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were   had been 2. If I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. am  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4. Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? will press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have . If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8. I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock. Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  w ouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't brought Ex. 1: Conditionals Choose the most appropriate answer. ————————————————- 1. I like this coat. If it  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  cheaper, I would buy it. is  would be  were  had been 2. If I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  you, I would call him. m  would be  were  had been 3. She would write to him if she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  his address. knows  would know  knew  had known 4. Even if I had enough money, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  buy this car. could  might  would  would not 5. What would happen if someone  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  this button accidentally? will press  would press  pressed  had pressed 6. What would you do if you  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a million dollars? have  had  had had  would have 7. If I had a bicycle, I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  for a ride with you. can go  could go  could have gone  would have gone 8. I hope she  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  mind if I stayed here. doesn't  won't  wouldn't  would 9. Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock.Could  Might  Should  Would 10. She would be disappointed if we  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her a present. won't bring  wouldn't bring  didn't bring  hadn't brought 1. Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidaysB * When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I won’t say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a) she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I won’t say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will bec ome a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I won’t say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in i t. * I won’t say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be un der the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I won’t say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidays B When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he will buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can hel p you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I won’t say a word ( , ).Revise clauses of time and condition and match the two parts of the sentences. A * If Jane has free time, a)we win the game * If Nick buys skates, b)she will become a good sportswoman soon * If Tom wins the match, c)she will go in for swimming * If Cristine joins us, d)he will become a member of the national team * If Rachiel starts regular training, e)he will skate a lot during his winter holidaysB * When Andrew becomes rich and famous, a)she will be really tired * When Jane arrives, b)they will go to the swimming pool * When the children finish their homework, c)I will go in for sports * When the classes are over, d)he w ill buy a car * When I am free, e)the students will do a bit of skating Complete the sentences using the ideas from the brackets. The words in the word box can help you.As soon as, after, before, in case, if, on condition that, till(untill) * You’ll be allowed to join the group ( , ). * ( ), you’ll be under the spell of her fascination. * It will take you half an hour ( , ). * I won’t go anywhere ( , ). * ( ), she will be totally absorbed in it. * I won’t say a word ( , ). . How is Tom going to get to work tomorrow? He isn’t sure. If it’s rains, ___________________________ If it’s sunny, __________________________ 2. Where are you going to have lunch today? I’m not sure. If I’m not a hurry, ______________________ If I have some time, ____________________ 3. Where is Patty going to go after school today? She isn’t sure. If she has a lot of homework, _______________ If she doesn’t hav e a lot of homework____________________ 4. What are Mr. nd Mrs. Green going to do tonight? They aren’t sure. If they’re tired, __________________________ If they have some energy, __________________ 5. What’s Jane going to do tomorrow? She isn’t sure. If she still has a cold, _______________________ If she feels better, ____________________ 6. What’s Henry going to have for dessert this evening? He isn’t sure. If he decides to stay on his diet, _________________ If he decides to forget about his diet, _____________

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster

The Space Shuttle Columbia was the second space shuttle disaster and the first shuttle lost on land happened on February 1, 2003. In this mission, six American astronauts and Israel's first spaceman died when the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated 200,000ft above Texas. They are David Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson, William McCool and Ilan Ramon. Rick husband is the Columbia's commander was a US air force colonel recruited to the space program in 1994. He made his first flight in 1999; last week's was his second.William McCool is the Columbia pilot was on his first flight. A naval commander and test pilot, he was selected for the space program in April 1996, and trained at the Johnson space centre. Michael Anderson is one of only a handful of African-American astronauts, Anderson had logged 211 hours in space before the Columbia disaster. A USAF lieutenant-colonel, he joined Nasa in 1994. Kalpana Chawla is an experienced astronaut who made her f irst flight on STS-87 in 1997. David Brown was a military flight surgeon before joining the astronaut corps.Laurel Clark joined Nasa in the same year as Brown, and was trained as a space flight surgeon. Lastly is the Ilan Ramon, an Israeli air force colonel, Ramon was his country's first astronaut. He took part in the 1973 Yom Kippur war and the 1981 bombing raid that destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor. With the Columbia accident, not only has the nation lost a four-billion-dollar shuttle, seven outstanding astronauts and priceless experimental results, it has also lost confidence in manned space flight and space exploration. February 1, 2003 was a sunny day.It was the perfect day for the Columbia shuttle return to earth. Everyone at NASA was excited for their return because the shuttle would bring back a lot of useful information from the 16 days mission. No one suspected tragedy will happen. At around 9am, the shuttle lost contact with NASA. The mission controllers thought it was a temporary problem because of the shuttle reentry into the atmosphere and also the temperature sensors on the inboard and outboard elevons (A control surface on an airplane that combines the functions of an elevator and an aileron. on the left wing had stopped functioning minutes before. NASA start to recognize something unusual happened when several 911 calls were made by the residents in Texas, Arkansas and the Louisiana area. The space shuttle Columbia and her seven crewmembers were lost. Immediately after losing of the shuttle and the seven crewmembers, NASA stopped all shuttle operations at Kennedy Space Center. They collected all the remains piece of the Columbia shuttle and grid on the floor of the Reusable Launch Vehicle Hangar.The Columbia Reconstruction Project Team attempted to reconstruct the bottom of the orbiter as part of the investigation into the accident. The engineers found that a 20-inch piece of hardened insulation foam breaking off the main fuel tank and hitti ng the shuttle’s left wing during the launch on January 16th. They asked the top shuttle managers for outside agency assistance, but the request was denied. This is because the shuttle managers concluded that there was no safety concern due to the foam’s impact and decided to let the mission continue. Other possible causes were pilot mistake and space debris.After investigations continued in the next few weeks, some molten aluminum debris from the shuttle’s wing structure, as well as molten steel debris, had been found. When the engineers eliminated the other possibilities, they began to focus on the foam from the external tank only. When the shuttle reenters the atmosphere, the temperature on its surface can reach nearly 1649oC. So the Thermal Protection System (Various materials applied to the outer structure protect the orbiter from excessive heat) on the shuttle is critical. There are four different materials in the space shuttles Thermal Protection System ( TPS).There are high-temperature reusable surface insulation (HRSI) , low-temperature reusable surface insulation (LRSI), felt reusable surface insulation(FRSI), and reinforced carbon-carbon composite (RCC). The HRSI cover the high surface temperature reaches between 649 and 1260oC. The LRSI cover the low surface temperature reaches between 371 and 649oC. For another 2 materials are used in small amounts. Due to the temperature during reentry exceeds 1260oC at the nose cap, chin panel, forward external tank, and wing leading edge panels and T-seals, the RCC was break down.For reuse purpose and to prevent oxidation, the outer layer of the RCC is converted into silicon carbide in a furnace filled with argon with a temperature cycle up to 1649oC. The main reason of the shuttle to break down is because the foam from the bipod of the external tank was shed, and struck the shuttle’s left wing during the launch. It had damaged the wing’s leading edge RCC structures which allow ing reentry plasma to penetrate and disintegrate the underlying aluminum, damaging the wing’s structure.The foam of the bipod ramp is BX-250, polyurethane foam applied with CCF-11 which is used to cover outside of the tank to prevent ice and frost on the surface. The foam is to reduce the weight so it made by light material. The engineers couldn’t believe that such a light material could damage the wing of the shuttle. Thus, some research had done by the Southwest Research institute. They used a compressed air gun to fire a foam block of similar size and mass to that which struck Columbia and at same estimated speed.To represent the leading edge of Columbia's left wing, RCC panels from Enterprise and from NASA stock, along with fiberglass mock-up panels, were mounted to a simulating structural metal frame. In the final round of testing, a block fired at the side of an RCC panel created a hole 41 by 42. 5 centimeters (16 by 17 in) in the protective RCC panel. The tests clearly show that the foam could cause visible crack on the tested RCC panels. These cracks could lead the shuttle breakup during reentry. The final report of the Columbia Accident Investigation was released on August 26th, 2003.It concluded that this tragedy was caused by technical and organizational failures. The foam problem of the bipod area has existed for years, and NASA engineers have looked at a variety of ways to correct it. The report indicated that the space shuttle should not have been launched with this problem extant. The report further proposed that, although the shuttle had always returned to earth safely after the foam hit the wing during previous shuttle flights, the managers at NASA should not have rejected the engineers' requests to make sure Columbia's wing was not damaged this time.Finally, it suggested that NASA should have had a backup plan for fixing the shuttle in space and insuring the crew's safety if they found out the wing was badly damaged. On 26th Jul y 2005, a shuttle discovery was launched. NASA had formed an independent Return to Flight (RTF) panel to monitor its preparations. There are 7 out of the 26 RTF panel members issued a minority report prior to the launch. They questioning if Columbia’s lessons had been learned and also expressing concerns about NASA’s efforts.During launch, a large piece of foam separated from the external fuel tank, but fortunately did not strike the shuttle, which landed safely 14 days later. The shuttle fleet was once again grounded, pending resolution of the problem with the external fuel tank insulating foam. Reference: Columbia space shuttle disaster 2003. World news. http://www. guardian. co. uk/gall/0,,888045,00. html Space shuttles thermal protection system (TPS). US Centennial of Flight Commission. http://www. centennialofflight. ov/essay/Evolution_of_Technology/TPS/Tech41G2. htm Final report of Columbia Disaster. Columbia Accident Investigation Board http://caib. nasa. gov/ N ASA’s Space Shuttle Program: The Columbia Tragedy, the Discovery Mission, and the Future of the Shuttle. Marcia S. Smith Resources, Science, and Industry Division. Updated by January 4, 2006. fas. org/sgp/crs/space/RS21408. pdf Lessons Learned from the Columbia Disaster. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). www. aiche. org/uploadedFiles/CCPS/†¦ /Presentation_Rev_newv4. ppt