Friday, January 31, 2020

How Far Libraries in Primary Schools Assist in the Education System Essay Example for Free

How Far Libraries in Primary Schools Assist in the Education System Essay Education all over the world has evolved into a more complex system of teaching methods, areas of learning to be taught, curriculum, tools to be used in the mode of instruction chosen, language to be used in the instruction, and many more. As schools respond to these needs, a parallel program to upgrade the states of the schools’ libraries is also necessary. Studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between library programs and levels of performance among children in the primary schools. Thus, the advocacy in pursuing strategic plans to better equip the libraries in primary schools is growing. Libraries have organized into a solid association as they seek the support of the government not only in terms of legislation but more so on adequate funding to rehabilitate the libraries of primary schools. A primary school library serves as the media center for students, faculty, staff, and parents that serve each of their purposes and interests. For a student, the school library is the place where he gets information relative to classroom assignments and projects. It could also be the source for a student’s interest in children books, caricature books, comic books, adventure books which he usually shares with his friends and classmates. For the faculty and staff, the primary school library is the source of relevant materials such as stories, poems, songs, and structured activities which serve to enhance the teaching method and enrich teaching modules. For parents, the primary school library serves as a refresher forum in order for them to catch up with their children’s assignments and works. A good primary school library is a place where children are taught how to love reading. There is focus on the enhancement of reading habits among children. Some early rewards system may be established to grow the reading habit. There should be a significance of motivation in promoting student reading. Meanwhile, teachers and parents are coached on how to support the child’s learning how to love reading. Guidelines in improving reading promotion programs are in place. (Johnson, J. Creating fat kids who don’t like to read. Sept/Oct 1999, Vol. 18 Issue 2 p96). LITERATURE REVIEW The availability of materials in this subject matter is not broad. However, studies conducted in this area showed more or less identical results. These findings only strengthen the thesis of this work. Most of the materials that can be used in research studies on primary school libraries are on fund-raising activities in order to grow the number of books in the primary school libraries. Only a handful could be read on the focus and evaluation of primary school libraries. In a documentary by Pat Miller, he discussed on how librarians can attract children to the library where interest from among these children seems to have faded. The perception among children that the library is the home of antiquated and boring books should be dis-abused and re-aligned to the basic truth and tradition that children needs to develop the habit of reading to equip them for a better future. Moreover, she suggests librarians to make library a kid-friendly by taking cues from their electronic livesproviding library games, encouraging student chat, teaching with video and audio, and making the books relevant and personal. Moreover, she recommends librarians to cater all learning styles and to consider factors like gender appeal in taking steps to enhance the students interest in library (Miller, Pat. Is your library kid-friendly? Library Media Connection. Worthington, Mar 2008. Vol 26, Issue 6 pg22). In Jesuit schools like the Ateneo de Manila University, the primary school library serves as the resource center for teachers as they weave stories into the everyday lessons aimed at building at total formation of the child. This is in conjunction with the school’s strategy of promoting a class teacher scheme of imparting knowledge. The self-contained classroom develops students through integration of subject matters using reading skills and values as the thread. Storybook weaving approach is the key in achieving a self-contained classroom strategy. In this context, the primary school library provides various and extensive collection of storybooks for both the teachers and the students. The purpose of a school library according to The School Library Association (January 2006) is to provide a wide range of multimedia resources to support teaching and learning throughout the key stages, ad foster a reading and information culture that promotes independent motivated readers and learners for life. One of the main objectives of a primary school library is to cultivate interest for reading among children with the end of developing the habit of reading among them as they grow into well-informed adults. Developing enthusiasm for learning through reading is the focus of library work (Dubber, Geoff. Cultivating Curiosity: information literacy skills and the primary school library. Januray 2008). The use of a rewards system in creating interest for reading among children may be a good incentive at the beginning. But weaning children from getting rewards for their reading habit should be done at an earlier stage. The enthusiasm to be in the library to read books should be out of a habit and personal interest cultivated in the child through earlier intervention programs. This updated and revised Guideline, taking account of the 2007 Government literacy teaching objectives, explains the importance of embedding information literacy into a whole school, ICT and curriculum context. It outlines and explains the processes of research for young children and shows ways that teachers and librarians can develop and promote information literacy and related ICT skills through the primary school library and link it to classroom practice. It also includes a very useful and practical case study, some templates, and a reading list. (Dubber, 2008). Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K), a sample of more than 20,000 children who started kindergarten in fall 1998, researchers found that many children do not experience key elements in their schools that maximize their learning outcomes: * 30 percent of all children attend elementary schools that do not have strong principal leadership * Just over half of all children are in schools where their teachers meet together regularly to plan sequenced and coordinated instruction. * 15 percent of children are in schools where teacher turnover is a problem (Peckham, Suzanne. â€Å"Specific School Traits linked to Elementary Achievement Scores. † The Education Digest. Mar 2008. Vol 73 Issue 7 pg 76). In other parts of the world, like China, learner-centered teaching is as a way to nurture active learners who can innovate and solve problems. Teacher education programs are beginning to adopt learner-centered methods as well. In the U. S. , learner-centered approaches, which emphasize teaching for meaning, have been promoted for some time. Primary teachers now get three years of training, and the eventual goal is for all teachers to have at least four years of training. Traditionally, Chinese teacher education has concentrated on subject matter. In the last decade, however, there have been calls for expanding professional preparation by establishing closer links between schools and universities, by having prospective teachers study educational theory and apply their skills through practice teaching, and by having teacher educator’s model effective pedagogy. Meanwhile, U. S. policy makers have been promoting shorter, alternative routes to teaching, including on-the-job training (Preus, Betty. â€Å"Educational Trends in China and the United States: Proverbial Pendulum or Potential for Balance. † Bloomington: Oct 2007. Vol. 89 Issue 2; pg115). The library department should take the initiative to create and implement simple activities that attract children to their school library. These activities should point back to good old books like literature and establish a connection of the lessons, phrases, morale of these books to the present times. This would create an impression in the minds of children why these books are still read up to this day. (Weisburg, Hilda and Ruth Toor. â€Å"Brush Up your Shakespeare. † School Librarian’s Workshop. Berkeley Heights: Spring 2008. Vol 28 Issue 5; pg 16). The primary school library serves as the motivator of interest in children while it is a data center for adults like teachers and parents. The former brings about awareness and interest while the latter reinforces needs to bridge the gap between children and adults. The interest that is developed in a child should be continuously strengthened by an unconditional support from the parents, teachers, and other significant others. Support from parents may be through a grant of some additional time for the child to enjoy the library. The physical set-up of a primary school library is a determining factor in achieving the goal of creating interest and enthusiasm among children insofar as their need to visit the library is concerned. Library design plays an important role in the realization of a primary school’s goal of cultivating the habit of learning through reading among primary school children. The tangible and the intangible goals of a primary school library go hand in hand. (Dewe, Michael. Ideas and Designs: Creating the Environment for the Primary School Library. October 2007). It is very essential that the government or other non-governmental entities give support to the initiative by giving funds for the rehabilitation of public libraries. The government units may also have a parallel program in which to recognize and appreciate children who read books and other materials in the library. A well-resourced school library plays a key part in assisting learning across the school and is essential to support the wealth of opportunities for studying the locality. An accessible, attractively presented collection of local materials that includes a range of formats will enhance effective learning and raise the status of the library within the school and beyond. (Southcombe, Dianne. Setting the Scene: Local Studies Resources in the School Library. 1999). The presence of a teacher-librarian would help in the pursuit of good library programs. To maximize the impact of a primary school library in aid of the school curriculum, a regular updating of the library’s policy and development plan are necessary. The aim is to develop the library as the school’s resource and focus for learning. (Harrison, Kay and Tricia Adams. Practical Paperwork: Policy Making and Development Planning for the Primary School Library. February 2007. ) Achieving a successful school library is a bit like gardening: little and often, with regular input to obtain healthy growth and year-round interest. (Harrison and Adams. 2007). The school’s annual calendar should include such events as would introduce the children to the use of its primary school library. Making children aware of the existence of a good primary school library in their vicinity is the first step towards the goals of establishing a good primary school library. School programs like book events should be included in the school’s calendar of activities for the year. (Dubber, Geoff and Elspeth Scott. Brilliant Books: Running a Successful School Library Book Event. 2nd edition. April 2005). A library is only as good as the material it contains and the access it provides for its users, so efficient stock management is essential for effective resource provision (Lemaire, Kathy. Shelf Life, Shelf Matters: Managing Resources in the School Library. 2nd edition. October 2004). Times are changing and libraries need to keep abreast on recent development in technology. Otherwise, there would be a gap between children and the libraries in general. With the advances achieved by the new information technology systems as well as the prevalent use of mobile phones for SMS, primary school libraries need to go beyond; than just providing children resource materials for reading. (Murphy, Richard. Going online: Developing LRC Web Pages. May 2003). The introduction of the Internet and its associated information handling/literacy skills is quickly becoming a key development in the effective use of primary school libraries. Many schools are realizing the potential of the Internet as an exciting and dynamic curriculum resource for raising pupil attainment, developing a pupil awareness of ICT for a real purpose, and promoting literacy. (Dubber, Geoff, et al. The Internet, the Primary School Library, and the Independent Learner. 2002). The rehabilitation of libraries includes those in the public schools. The funding from government is necessary (Ward, Helen. Book bonanza spurs pupils to test success. The Times Educational Supplement. London: October 26, 2007, Issue 4760. pg 15). Accessibility and ease of use of the primary school library are focus areas that need to be addressed as well by the school as it aims to develop awareness and interest among children. There are systems and tools which are available in the market to address this concern. This will help in ensuring confident use of the primary school library among children. Additionally, teachers would be aided in the instructional process of guiding children towards the regular use of the library. The school’s direction in integrating library use and school curriculum will dictate the degree of interest that the school provides in addressing ease and accessibility concerns on the use of its library. (Lemaire, Kathy. Issue Systems for the Primary School Library. 2nd edition). A key results area always requires a key process indicator to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiencies of the program. Performance measurement is being required by some governmental agencies to ensure continuous improvement of standards and attainment of objectives. Measuring the success of the primary school library in its ultimate end of awakening and cultivating interest and enthusiasm to learn among children is a real opportunity to evaluate the success thus far and to continuously strategize for improvements. (Scott, Elspeth. Measuring Success: How Effective is your School Library Resource Centre? 2001). â€Å"Enjoyment of reading at the youngest possible age sets us up for life as full members of a literate society† (Attenborough, Liz. Project Director of the National Year of Reading. As cited in Primary School Guidelines, 2002). A research study conducted by California School Libraries Association from 1993 to 2005 showed that where there is a library overall program consisting of quality and adequate staffing, flexible hours of availability, and collaborative support to school curriculum, the goal for establishing any library for that matter is achieved. In addition, 99. 4 percent of grades 3-12 students in Ohio believe school libraries and their services help them become better learners [Ohio: Todd, Kuhlthau and OELMA, 2004]. The relationship between school library program services and student achievement was not negated by other school or community demographics, [Missouri: Quantitative Resources, LLC, 2003]. The relationship between school library program development and test scores is not explained away by other school or community conditions at the elementary or middle school levels or by other school conditions at the high school level, [Oregon: Lance, Rodney, and Hamilton-Pennell, 2001] (Cited in California School Libraries Association. School Libraries Do Make A Difference. Research Studies from 1993 to 2005 in Sixteen States). In 2001, a research study was conducted among Texas school to examine school library resources, services, and use, on the basis of School Library Programs and how these made an impact on the students’ performance measured in the reading portion of Texas Assessment of Academic Skills. The research study showed that in schools were a good library program exists; students got higher percentage performance than those who had poor library resources and programs. (EGS Research Consulting. Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students’ Performance. Texas State Library and Archives Commission. April 2001). The same study shows that where there is collaborative work between Library Staff and the teachers, higher percentage performance among students’ reading skills is achieved. (EGS Research Consulting. Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students’ Performance. Texas State Library and Archives Commission. April 2001). The Texas Library Journal Volume 77 No. 4, Winter 2001 reported on the state of the libraries in Texas and how the government committed its support in the rehabilitation of their libraries. Texas believes in the necessity of transforming libraries in order for them to meet the requirements of the present. While books would still be books and the love of books would always be there, the Association of Texas Libraries advocate for the application of advance technology in their libraries to ensure wider reach and expanded services. (Texas Library Journal, 2001). I will end by returning to the question I posed in my introduction. Will â€Å"the love of books† disappear? There is the love of the content of books, and there is the love of books. For those for whom the two are inseparable, the answer must be no, the love of books won’t disappear; but perhaps eventually all the people who love books in the traditional form will disappear. I think that could take a very, very, long time. Weeks asks: â€Å"If it has no pages, just a magic tablet that emits sounds, sights, smells and tastes, is a book still a book? †13 For me, the answer is yes. I can accept â€Å"a substantial compilation of ideas or actions commonly displayed on a viewing device† as the future definition of â€Å"book. † As a librarian, I must be a philistine: I’ve always loved the content more than the package. [Juergens, Bonnie, Executive Director of Amigos Library Services](Texas Library Journal, 2001). he ex Libraries are vital to children’s achievement in school. As they need to develop their informational needs and reading habits, children need libraries and good library programs. But they would not be able to use these available materials on their own. They need the supportive details from adults like the Librarians, their teachers, and their parents. A collaborative work among these three significant others of children are necessary. (Newman, Susan. â€Å"The role of school libraries in elementary and secondary education. † Teacher Librarian. Seattle: October 2002. Vol. 30 Issue 1, pg 74). The Library Power Program at Chattanooga TNs Lakeside Elementary School has found a direct correlation between students use of the library and the level of their test scores in reading comprehension and reference skills (Anonymous. â€Å"Positive correlation between student library use and test scores. † Teacher Librarian. Seattle: Jan/Feb 1999. Vol. 26 Issue 3. pg61). The Lance Model and the Alaska study focused on evaluating the impact of good librarianship to the reading capabilities among primary school children. Several key findings were reported in these studies which point to the direct relationship between good library programs and student’s level of reading performance. (Williams, Doroty, Louisa Coles and Caroline Wavell. Impact of school library services on achievement and learning in primary schools. A critical literature review. 2002). At Lincoln Elementary School in Hawaii a program which involves children from the 5th and 4th grades are given the opportunity to work as library aides The current library aides conduct this recruitment meeting where they talk about their duties and responsibilities to help students decide if being an aide is something they really want to do. Applicants go through a rigorous one-week training period that tests their commitment and desire to serve as library aides. Throughout the training, the aides take notes and provide the trainees with individual scores for their attitude, respect, and knowledge. (Muranaga, Karen and Emmi Masumura. Library Aides: Building Character, Advancing Service. Worthington. Jan 2008. Vol 26 Issue 4 pg10). METHODOLOGY Several works are undertaken to assess the direct correlation between library programs and the reading performance among primary school children. The methodology in all these researches is more or less similar. Research study methods are used to gather data either for quantitative or qualitative analysis. The validity and availability of this data cannot be questioned and denied. Test measurements, especially those required by the state for regulatory purposes, are extensive and widely represented. Case study research is the recommended methodology to use in library studies. Researchers could use the case study method to further study the role of the librarian in implementing specific models of service. For example, case study research could examine how information-seeking behavior in public libraries compares with information-seeking behavior in places other than libraries; to conduct in-depth studies of non-library community based information services to compare with library based community information services, and to study community networks based in libraries. (The Case Study as a Research Method. Uses and Users of Information LIS 391D. 1. Spring 1997). Case studies are complex because they generally involve multiple sources of data, may include multiple cases within a study, and produce large amounts of data for analysis. Researchers from many disciplines use the case study method to build upon theory, to produce new theory, to dispute or challenge theory, to explain a situation, to provide a basis to apply solutions to situations, to explore, or to describe an object or phenomenon. The advantages of the case study method are its applicability to real-life, contemporary, human situations, and its public accessibility through written reports. Case study results relate directly to the common reader’s everyday experience and facilitate an understanding of complex real-life situations. (The Case Study as a Research Method. Uses and Users of Information LIS 391D. 1. Spring 1997). The method of Convergent Analysis simply uses a set of questions based on the area of study being undertaken. These questions are set in a standard format. A parallel run is made by reviewing relevant studies and setting them in the same format used for the set of questions prepared for the study. Analysis is done by comparing the results of the two standard formats and assess on convergent points. (Norris, Cathleen, et al. Convergent Analysis: A method for extracting the value from research studies on technology in education. Peer-Reviewed. 1999) Review of relevant studies and a re-examination of the original search strategy. It is also recommended that a kind of longitudinal study of impact of primary library provision on learning, based on the implementation of appropriate standards be also undertaken. It is also recommended to conduct a quantitative study used in the USA for use with KS1 and KS2 SATs and pilot to establish whether the methodology is transferable to the English primary education. A qualitative evaluation of the intervention using standards and any indicators may also be developed. (Williams, Dorothy, Louis Coles and Caroline Wavell). Impact of school library services on achievement and learning in primary schools. 2002). A study conducted by ETI used varied assessment tools in attaining its objective, namely: data collection through surveys; fieldwork through questionnaires and interviews; observation of children in selected settings; case study method (â€Å"Evaluation of Public Library Summer Reading Program. † The Los Angeles County Public Library Foundation. Final Report. December 2001). Fieldwork method may also be used in ascertaining the questions in the area of study. This fieldwork may consist of questionnaires distributed among selected representative population and interviews conducted among selected authorities in the area of study. (Dubazana, Khanyi. Integration of the school library into the curriculum. Education Library and Information Technology Services). CONCLUSION From the foregoing literature sources, we can safely say that there is indeed a need for a well structured primary school library. The structure includes not only the physical set-up but also the books inside the library, the library staff, and more importantly, the library program. These are the pillars of a good primary school library that supports the early development of the school child. Children believe what they see. If they see lines and lines of good attractive books then it would already create the interest in them to check out the books and go through the pages of some of them. They cannot be forced to read in an environment that is not conducive to reading. In the latte case, the inadequacy of the library would backfire any effort to arouse the interest in the child and develop the reading habit. The presence of warm and hospitable library staff would sustain the interest in the child-reader. The program that the library can offer to children is a factor that sustains the child’s interest and children would keep on going back to the library which would be as second home to them. A comprehensive work on the area of direct correlation between good library program and reading skills among primary children is relevant today. The educational trend nowadays is towards the extensive use of advance technology even in the primary schools. Reading books has become a thing of the past for many as more and more have shifted to reading information, data, stories, and news from the internet. But this shift from the good old printed material to the easy access to internet sources should be seen on a positive note. There is an opportunity to still arouse the child’s enthusiasm through the implementation of a good program. The library staff should not feel demotivated by this trend. Rather, the Library staff should continue to introduce innovations and attract children to access the library more often. The results of the study as mentioned in the above discussions should serve as an eye opener for all schools and government agencies to work collaboratively in developing the young minds into future reading-individuals. The habit of reading should be sustained all throughout the stages of his life. The shift from print to media sources of reading should be addressed positively. Awareness and campaign strategies as well as the use of a reward system in order to promote interest in reading among primary school students. The use of the internet and the advancement of technology, policies, strategies should be seen as complementing strategies in the total development of the child. The shift from printed materials to web reading among children should be addressed in order to eradicate the confusing stand on this issue; there is never a substitute for reading good printed books. Thus, while we embrace the advances of technology in the field of learning and education, we should not forget the solid foundation of reading good books from an early age. This is not only for learning and cognition. Rather, reading is very much a part of a child’s growing up with family bonds, societal norms, and tradition. The role of primary school libraries has always been to create an environment that arouses the child’s interest in books. A good library physical set-up and programs would be a good answer to the proposition – children perform excellently in the primary schools where school libraries collaborate with the school’s curriculum. It is time to begin reshaping our vision for 21st-century school library media programs, and the best way is to assemble a study group, a professional learning community, a district group of teacher-librarians, or just yourself. Compare and contrast these standards documents and then read your own mission statement. What essentials remain the same? What are different? Who needs to know? What should happen next? (Loertscher, David. Find Out What Should Work. Teacher Librarian. Seattle: December 2007. Vol 35 Issue 2 pg 40). REFERENCES Anonymous.â€Å"Positive correlation between student library use and test scores. † Teacher Librarian. Seattle: Jan/Feb 1999. Vol. 26 Issue 3. pg61. Attenborough, Liz. Project Director of the National Year of Reading. As cited in Primary School Guidelines, 2002. Cited in California School Libraries Association. School Libraries Do Make A Difference. Research Studies from 1993 to 2005 in Sixteen States. Dewe, Michael. Ideas and Designs: Creating the Environment for the Primary School Library. October 2007. Dubber, Geoff. Cultivating Curiosity: information literacy skills and the primary school library. Januray 2008. Dubazana, Khanyi. Integration of the school library into the curriculum. Education Library and Information Technology Services. Dubber, Geoff and Elspeth Scott. Brilliant Books: Running a Successful School Library Book Event. 2nd edition. April 2005. EGS Research Consulting. Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students’ Performance. Texas State Library and Archives Commission. April 2001. â€Å"Evaluation of Public Library Summer Reading Program. † The Los Angeles County Public Library Foundation. Final Report. December 2001. Harrison, Kay and Tricia Adams. Practical Paperwork: Policy Making and Development Planning for the Primary School Library. February 2007. Juergens, Bonnie, Executive Director of Amigos Library Services](Texas Library Journal, 2001. Lemaire, Kathy. Shelf Life, Shelf Matters: Managing Resources in the School Library. 2nd edition. October 2004. Loertscher, David. Find Out What Should Work. Teacher Librarian. Seattle: December 2007. Vol 35 Issue 2 pg 40. Miller, Pat. Is your library kid-friendly? Library Media Conne

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